
is a non-partisan initiative made up of people with differing political positions who have come together because they are greatly discomforted by the political and societal developments taking place in their country.

is a group of filmmakers who spoke out against incitement and desolidarisation at the 2018 Austrian Film Awards.

is a platform which has taken it upon itself to utilize the digital media as well as public space to present short emphatic interventions in the form of films on political situation in Austria, its causes and its background.

is a non-profit association which purposefully, using art and culture, aims to intervene in political discourse, to strengthen solidarity between people, and to support a lively democracy.

is an open hashtag, and everyone is invited to share their contributions against incitement and for solidarity.

is a non-partisan initiative made up of people with differing political positions who have come together because they are greatly discomforted by the political and societal developments taking place in their country.